IMDb Rating: 9.2/10
Genres: History
Language: Hindi (ORG ) [With English Subtitle]
Quality: 720p / 480p [WEB-DL]
Size: See below ▼
Director: N/A
Writers: N/A
Stars: Manoj Joshi, Abhinandan Jindal, Ashish Bist
Storyline: SWARAJ – Bharat ke Swatantra Sangram ki Samagra Gatha Bring to life the stories of unsung heroes who sacrificed and fought for India over 450 years of freedom struggle but remain unheard and unknown to this day despite their untold sacrifices In the context of key events and an ever – advancing colonizing force we relive the stories of unsung heroes who fought for the idea of Swa – swabhoomi …